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Tuesday 23 June 2015

The bench in the children's playground at Clifton Down has been installed!

Last Friday, I went to the Downs with a group of the estates team from Bristol council to fit the large oak bench that I've been working on for about two years.

It took about five and a half hours altogether to install it and members of Clifton and Hotwells Improvement Society (who commissioned the piece) came to see it, as well as Francis Greenacre (who represented the Downs Committee and helped a lot with the design) and Libby Houston (who is represented on the bench and also allowed me to use some of her poetry).

Just before the installation,  I was shown the offshoot of the 'Poet's Tree' next to the playground where the bench now stands. This black poplar also grew next to the spot where Peter Gabbitass (who is represented on the bench) sold his poetry. The original tree was cut down about twenty years ago, but recently a shoot from the stump has succeeded in growing to become a mature tree.

Thanks to the council team for all their help. I'm very happy with the bench and hope that many others will enjoy it too!

clifton downs playground bench

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