Wednesday 30 October 2013

A visit to 'Old School Woodcarving' in the village of Walton, near Glastonbury in Somerset

Whilst travelling to Devon recently (to get some medieval-style woodcarving tools made by Dave Budd), I had the chance for an unexpected visit to 'Old School Woodcarving'.

Anthony Griffiths has been teaching carving in an old primary school building there since 1998 and has been carving for about 30 years. He is on the left in the photo below, enjoying a tea break with some of his students:

The classes seem very nicely set out, with a range of good-quality tools for students to use. The teaching spaces are also well-lit.

Anthony himself enjoys carving large flower displays. There is one being worked on to the left of the first photo above. Another is in the corner of the large teaching space:

Since I visited in 2013, there have been big changes at Old School woodcarving. Anthony has moved to Pembrokeshire and is apparently still teaching there. Charles Oldham now runs the courses in Walton.

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